Thứ Sáu, 13 tháng 4, 2012

A snapshot of online group-buying market in China (Jul 2011 monthly report by Ireseach)


(Sorry for my poor translation)

- Total pageviews of all group-buying sites in a month: 2.24 billion in which the top 10 sites grabbed 1.6 billion pageviews.
- Taobao Ju Huasuan as the market leader in terms of daily unique visitors (9.8 million) and monthly total visits (420 million).
- QQ Tuangou archived the highest daily conversation rate of 5.2% in July. Conversation rate = Total deal buyers / total visitors.
- Popular products: luxury (clothing, cosmetics), F&B, electronics.
- Market: Homogeneous, lack of differentiation. A prospect of a concentrated or multi-segmented strategy is unforeseeable.
- Key factors of a group-buying business: Customers' trust, management, logistics, cost controlling, quality of listed products & services.

Link to full article

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